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World Vision staff on stage at New Wine United

Our partners: New Wine United

Join World Vision at New Wine United

World Vision at New Wine United

We're looking forward to seeing you this summer.

There's still time to be Chosen

If you came to New Wine this year you may have seen and heard all about Chosen. And many of you gave children the life-changing opportunity to choose you as their sponsor.

For the first time, World Vision’s Chosen puts the power to choose into the hands of the child. Chosen Sponsorship gives children the power to take hold of their future, to create change in their own lives, and to transform their community.

Today, their are many more children ready to choose you!

Bringing Chosen to your church

After New Wine United, why not bring Chosen to your church and congregation.

We provide you with inspirational Chosen videos and speakers – World Vision staff experienced in leading church services - who have personally seen Chosen in action and can share the Chosen invitation with your church family.

Not found what you’re looking for?

You can contact our Church Team by calling us on 01908 84 10 10 or emailing and one of our team will be in touch in no time, or find out more about our work with churches, and activities you can join below: