Refugee children facing starvation.

Sudan Appeal

Children caught in the Sudan crisis are facing starvation.

Children in Sudan urgently need your help. 

Sudan is facing the most severe hunger crisis in its history. Families are struggling, unable to provide food for their children. While this dire situation has not gained widespread media attention, its severity cannot be overstated. 

In the months ahead, more than half the population—25 million people—will confront critical hunger. 14 regions are already approaching famine conditions. Your donation today can help feed children at risk of starvation. 

Please act now to help stop children dying from hunger. 


Donate now to help save children's lives

Help provide life-saving support for children on the brink of famine

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How your donation helps

Conflict broke out in Sudan in April 2023. This has increased the number of internally displaced people and refugees in neighbouring countries to more than 12 million. They need food, shelter, safety and healthcare urgently. 

Your donation today will be a lifeline for children who don’t know where their next meal will come from. 

Our local teams within Sudan, as well as in Ethiopia, South Sudan and the Central African Republic, are continuing to deliver life-saving support in some of the hardest hit areas. But as this crisis continues, more people will need help to survive and rebuild their lives. 

Your donation today can help feed children at risk of starvation. You can also help provide healthcare, clean water and hygiene services, as well as child protection and mental health support. 

Your generosity today can help save lives

How we work in emergencies

When emergencies hit, children are often the most at risk. That’s why we need to be there – in places torn apart by disasters and conflict.

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Together we’ve impacted the lives of over 200 million​ vulnerable children by tackling the root causes of poverty.​

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