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Girl in Bangladesh in a pink dress reaches to pick a photo from three lines worth of potential sponsor photos hanging from wires in a room


Giving vulnerable children the right to choose

I Choose You is a powerful message of God's love

Chosen is an event that puts our Christian calling to love our neighbour, right at the heart of churches ministry and mission. This is community-based Child Sponsorship with a twist – giving vulnerable children the chance to choose.

Choice is dignity, empowerment, the chance to have a say in your own future. Many vulnerable children have no choices in their day-to-day lives – poverty has taken that away from them.

You can give it back.

Be Chosen by a child as their sponsor - and help provide #Enough of the right food and resources so they can create a hunger free future and so much more.

We would love to talk to you about how a Chosen event works. Please call us today on 01908 84 10 10 or email us at

Bring Chosen to your church

We are here to help you share Chosen with your church and congregation, where and when it fits within your church calendar, ministry and teaching.

We provide you with inspirational Chosen videos and speakers – World Vision staff experienced in leading church services - who have personally seen Chosen in action and know how to share the Chosen invitation with your church family.

Then, at a special choosing party, children in one of our communities will be invited to choose your church members as their sponsors – uniting your church community with theirs on an exciting and life-changing journey.

The UK's first Chosen Church

Join us

We would love the opportunity to talk to you about the vision and mission you have for your church and to share Chosen with you.

Please call us today on 01908 84 10 10 or contact us at

Find out more

Other ways you and your church can get involved with World Vision.