Sofia leans against a wall, arms crossed, smiling at the camera.

Invest in children's futures today

Your support will ensure children not just survive, but thrive.

Resilient communities, thriving children

Children are our future, so we are calling for greater investment in helping to create an equal world, where every child is given the opportunity to reach their full potential.

We partner alongside communities to bring lifesaving healthcare, clean water, nutritious food, quality education, and the means for families to earn a sustainable income.

Every day, children are dying from preventable causes like malnutrition and diarrhoea, but yet there is a solution, and we are there to deliver that solution alongside communities creating sustainable and transformational impact. Join us in being the solution.


Invest in children's futures today

Because of you, children will not just survive, but thrive.

Please enter a donation of at least £500

The future is thriving children

Through our Thriving Children programmes, we aim to ensure every child we meet has the opportunity to reach their full potential, and we invite you to be part of this. Read on to explore some of the ways we bring transformational impact.

Magreth's story

Magreth, 11, is a student in a school in Tanzania.

She, among many other children, relied on the local river for water.

They shared the river with cows and goats. The water was contaminated with diseases.

Things are different now in Magreth's village.

A sponsored child wearing a school uniform leans to wash her hands in clean water, outside at her school in Tanzania
Now, Magreth, 11, can attend school safely and happily.

World Vision helped to drill a borehole in the village - which means no more waterborne diseases, no more digging river streams to fetch unclean water in dry seasons or walking the long distance to collect water.

The villagers and teachers at her school are grateful for the transformation this has brought about. Richard, a teacher from the school says, “With accessibility to clean water students are now focusing more on their studies. And the rate of [children] diagnosed with waterborne diseases has gone down compared to before. With water in our school we are now growing vegetable gardens to ensure our students have essential nutrients”.

Magreth and other children at the village now access safe, clean water.

Magreth, 11, from Tanzania
Now with the presence of modern latrines and hand washing facilities I feel safe at my school

Magreth, 11, from Tanzania

Get in touch to discuss making a transformational investment in children’s futures

We’d love to hear from you and discuss how we can partner to make a transformational impact in the lives of children today.

Email or call one of our dedicated Philanthropy Executives who can share more about our work.


Telephone: 01908 84 10 30

Why World Vision?

Julia Carr
World Vision gives me assurance that the money I donate will be used with principles high on my agenda.

Julia Carr

Supporter since 2009

We seek to help the most vulnerable children in the world. In 2023, through our incredible donor partnerships we impacted the lives of over 2.5 million children.

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