Write your Will for FREE
Ready to get your Will written? We are pleased to offer supporters like you a free Will via trusted partner Octopus Legacy.
Dependent on where you live and how you’d like to get your Will written, you have a couple of choices:
- In England & Wales, write your Will online
- Anywhere in the UK, write your Will via phone, video, home visit or branch: call Octopus Legacy on 020 4525 3605 to arrange a time.
When you use our FREE Will writing service, there is no obligation to donate to World Vision. However, including a gift to World Vision in your Will is a way for you to leave a lasting legacy and carry everything you believe in forward – a sense of fairness, justice and compassion for children who live in some of the world’s hardest places.
Maybe you could pledge a percentage of whatever is left once you’ve taken care of your loved ones. Thank you.