Abed is a 7-year-old Syrian refugee who only knows life in Lebanon.

Donate to children in Syria

Millions of children are still suffering.

Syrian children urgently need your help

The Syrian conflict has been wreaking havoc across Syria for the past 13 years resulting in the deaths of over 200,000 people. Among these numbers are children who’ve lost their lives to violence and indiscriminate bombing.

The horrendous earthquake that struck in February of 2023, has only compounded the problems for millions of Syrians. 

Those who have fled their homes now face a daily struggle to survive in overcrowded displacement camps where safety and access to food isn't guaranteed. Pressure on vital services is high, highlighting the urgent need for support.

Syrian families still need your support today.

What you can provide

How you can help

The World Food Programme (WFP) estimates that over half of the population, 12.9 million Syrians, are currently experiencing hunger in 2024, while another 2.6 million are on the brink of food insecurity.

Syria’s children bear the greatest consequences of both the conflict and the earthquake, losing their childhoods to these dual disasters.

Their innocent faces hide years of trauma and fear. As families attempt to rebuild their lives from the earthquake, whilst still surrounded by conflict, more needs to be done to support this generation of children so that they can secure Syria's future.

Your donation today will help children and families in Syria and refugees in neighbouring countries who are struggling to survive.

We’re at the frontline providing food, clean water, education, healthcare, child protection and psychosocial support to children and their families.

You can help transform the lives of Syrian children.

Boys and girls aged five or six can name every type of bomb by its sound, but sometimes can barely write their name having missed out on an education.

Johan Mooij

World Vision Syria Response Director

13 years of war

13 years on, millions of children are still suffering.

Donate today to help save the lives of children in Syria.

What hope looks like in Syria

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Together we’ve impacted the lives of over 200 million​ vulnerable children by tackling the root causes of poverty.​

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