Jovia, girl age 10 washing her hands outside new toilet blocks built at her primary school in Uganda

World Vision with Awaken Festival. Donate today.

Protect children and help build lifesaving toilets in Uganda.

Help build toilets today

This summer we’re delighted to be back again with our Awaken family, friends, and Ground Level Network churches, as together we encounter God and go deeper with our faith.

Hear from us in the Big Top and find us around site where you can help create a Queue for the Loo because you don’t need to be feeling flush to make an impact!


1.5 billion people don’t have access to basic sanitation

A shortage of toilets puts children at risk. Risk from diseases that spread, make them ill, miss school, and even die. Frighteningly for many, especially girls, not being able to ‘go’ in private increases their risk of abuse and rape too.

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Donating even a small amount could make a big difference

Please, donate today and help build lifesaving, life-changing toilets in schools across Pajule in Uganda.

Together with everyone at Awaken you’ll be protecting children from illness, keep them in school and safe from harm.

Where will your donation go?

Why World Vision?

Through World Vision’s work, every 60 seconds a family gets water, a hungry child is fed, a family receives the tools to overcome poverty.