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A girl from India holding a sanitary kit containing sanitary pads, underwear, water, and soap
Gift of health and nutrition

Girl's sanitary kit

When any young girl starts her period, she can feel anxious or even afraid. In many places, these feelings are magnified when a girl can't even get any sanitary products. Charity gifts of sanitary pads, underwear, water, and soap are a simple way to make a huge difference.

Without sanitary products, girls may miss school during their periods and end up falling behind. Alternative charity gifts like this girl's sanitary kit could change the course of a girl's education.

A girl's sanitary kit includes:

  • A bucket with lid
  • Cloth sanitary towels (washable and reusable)
  • Underwear
  • Soap

This amazing gift is so simple and practical but could restore a girl's dignity and help improve education for girls.


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