Smiling boy in Kenya stands outdoors with his bicycle

Sponsor a boy

Transform a vulnerable boy's life - and a whole community forever.

Why sponsor a boy

Vulnerable young boys are often the first to be sent to work to help feed their family or the first to be sent into conflict.

You could prevent that by sponsoring a boy living in poverty. You could transform the life of a child and their community.

Child sponsors protect and empower the most vulnerable children in the world and make sure their community becomes thriving and self-sufficient.


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Quenito Antonio

Yes, I'll sponsor Quenito Antonio

Boy 11 years old

Your donation will change the life of your sponsored child and help transform their community.
Donations over £26 per month will go towards funding our wider work overseas or in the UK.


To achieve lasting change in the child’s community, Child Sponsorship is a minimum monthly donation of £26. Please click here to donate a smaller amount towards our work with children living outside a Sponsorship programme.

For £26 per month you can:

How sponsoring a boy helps

Because of our community-focused solutions, for every child sponsored, 4 more children benefit, too. 

How Child Sponsorship changed Wisdom's life

“We can eat three nutritious meals in a day and I have everything I need for school."
A 9 year old in Malawi holds eggs from his chickens.
Wisdom, 9 years old, Malawi, holds eggs from his chickens.

Wisdom's family was struggling to get by on his Grandad’s farm. Nine children were living in a house with a roof which leaked when it rained.

His family were farmers but often they couldn’t even afford a bag of fertiliser so they produced very little food and the family sometimes struggled to eat.

Wisdom’s brothers and sisters had to drop out of secondary school because the cost was too high.

Then, Wisdom was sponsored. The family were given a cow and two goats.

Now, Wisdom sleeps in a house with a solid iron roof. His grandfather has built four houses, for all his children and grandchildren.

Today they raise cows, goats, sheep, chickens and ducks and grow maize. Now Wisdom's future is bright.

Why World Vision


  • You can easily sign up to sponsor a child on the Sponsor a Child page or by calling our Supporter Care Team on 01908 84 10 10.

  • World Vision has had a Child Sponsorship programme for more than 70 years, we pair donors with a vulnerable child who needs protection and empowerment.

    Child Sponsorship brings much-needed change to more than just one child — the benefits you help provide extends to each child's family, their community and other children in need. 

    This is because World Vision partners, plans and works alongside local community members to help build healthy, sustainable communities for vulnerable children in the world’s hardest places. Learn more about how Child Sponsorship works. 

  • All of World Vision's work begins with listening to communities in need. Community leaders work with us to identify the most vulnerable children and families who will benefit from Child Sponsorship.

  • We work with national governments and other international agencies to identify the regions and communities that are most in need and where the most vulnerable children live. We then meet with community leaders and the wider community to gain a greater understanding of the challenges and the opportunities that exist for them and we develop a long-term plan together, to break the cycle of poverty. Find out more about how Child Sponsorship works

About Child Sponsorship